I am looking for a teacher
(Marilyn Pattison)
I am looking for a teacher
Who is beautiful inside
Honest with their student
Giving them a sense of pride
I am looking for a teacher
With a healthy self esteem
Who clearly, states the rules
And doesn’t have to scream
I am looking for a teacher
Who creatively prepares
But whose first priority
Is to convey that she cares
I am looking for a teacher
Who is interested, not aloof
Who treats her student with respect
Even when they goof
I am looking for a teacher
Who knows how to laugh and smile
Who enjoys what she’s doing
And goes the extra mile
I am looking for a teacher
Who believes all students can learn
Who praises their efforts and talents
They give teir best return
I am looking for a teacher
Who will fill a child with desire
To love to learn more everyday
With curiosity that wont tire
I am looking for a teacher
Who encourages children to have a dream
To work at solving problems
Building their self esteem
There are some teachers out there
The kind I’m looking for
For their students future success
They have opened up the door.
~Amanah menjadi pendidik terlalu besar dan berat, bahkan inilah yang dinamakan arkitek bangsa. Ibu bapa merupakan pendidik yang tidak boleh dipandang enteng kerana didikan dari rumahlah yang akan membawa ke tempat lain. Ucapan penghargaan pada semua yang bergelar ibu bapa, didiklah amanahmu sebaiknya. Begitu juga pada yang bergelar guru-guru, lihatlah mata-mata yang bening di hadapanmu, sinar cahaya terpancar dari raut wajah mereka. Senakal manapun mereka, se"tidak pandai" manapun mereka tetap jua punya harga dan nilai tersendiri. Jangan pernah mencemuh mereka kerana perkara itu hanya membuatkan dendam mereka pada yang bernama guru merebak, lantas menyebabkan semua yang bergelar guru menjadi tidak enak pada pandangan mereka. Terima kasih guru-guruku, jasa dan pengorbananmu tidak dapat dibayar untuk selamanya. Di kaulah insan-insan yang membuka pintu buat kejayaanku hari ini.~
1 komentar:
salam....erm....ustazah dapt jd cg e?.....taniah la....slamat berjaya dan trus berjaya....hehehe
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